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ALTER 02.05.2021 (3-jährig)
FARBE Schwarzbraun
LEBENSNUMMER DE 473730421721
ZUCHTGEBIET Deutsches Sportpferd
ZÜCHTER Manfred Wöllmer, Nördlingen
BESITZER Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach
MWST 19.0%
PrH Uno I Uriko (Clooney NLD) Untouchable
Conella Colman
Odyssee IV
Emilia Escudo I Espri
St.Pr. Athene
Cremona Carbid


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Auction Terms and Conditions

General – Scope


The State of Baden-Württemberg, represented by Marbach State Stud (Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach), Gestütshof 1, 72532 Gomadingen – hereinafter also referred to as “the organiser” – hosts a hybrid-auction for the sale of horses. The organiser sells the horses listed in the catalogue in their own name, the horses owned by others are sold on behalf of and for account of the respective owner specified in the catalogue (brokerage transaction). The purchase contract with the buyer and the legal relationship with the bidder – hereinafter also referred to as “participant and buyer” – and the exhibitor are based on these hybrid auction terms and conditions – hereinafter also referred to as “GTC (general terms and conditions)”.


The exhibitor has already accepted these conditions of the “hybrid auction” when registering the horse. By participating in the bidding process, the bidder accepts the conditions of the “hybrid auction”. In case of a successful bidding process, a purchase contract is only concluded between the exhibitor or the seller of the horse respectively and the buyer with the highest bid.


These GTC apply exclusively; conflicting conditions or conditions deviating from these GTC will not be recognized unless their validity will be explicitly agreed in writing. These GTC also apply if the purchase contract is executed without reservation in the knowledge of conflicting or deviating GTC of the buyer.


All agreements made between the organiser and the purchaser for the purpose of executing a concluded contract are conclusively stipulated in these GTC.


Ownership and copyrights are reserved for illustrations, videos, drawings, descriptions, and other documents used by the organiser for the auction. Before passing them on to third parties, the bidder, the buyer and every third party require the explicit consent of the organiser in written form.


These GTC apply in the same way to entrepreneurs (§ 14 BGB (clause 14 German Civil Code)) and to consumers (§ 13 BGB) unless their validity is explicitly restricted regarding individual clauses in their area of application.


In accordance with Section 474 subsection 2 sentence 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB), it is expressly pointed out that for used goods sold in a publicly accessible auction (§ 312g (2) no. 10) - as in the present case - the consumer goods purchase provisions of Sections 474 BGB, which are generally relevant between a buyer acting as a consumer within the meaning of § 13 BGB and a seller acting as an entrepreneur within the meaning of Section § 14 BGB, do not apply.



1. Arrangement and execution of the hybrid auction


1.1 Login (registration) and user account


Participation at a hybrid auction is only permitted for those natural or legal persons who have registered with the organiser. Participants can only be assigned one account. There is no right to participate. When the registration is opened, all questions asked by the organiser in the registration form must be answered truthfully and completely and any copies requested must be attached. Likewise, each participant must state whether they are a consumer within the meaning of § 13 BGB (German Civil Code) or an entrepreneur within the meaning of § 14 BGB.

If a participant provides incorrect information, the participation contract can be terminated by the organiser without notice. The organiser and the vicarious agents commissioned by the organiser to carry out the hybrid auction are also entitled to save the IP address of the participant.


Representation and legal capacity


(a) Natural persons can only register for use if they are of legal age and have unlimited legal capacity.


(b) Natural persons authorised to represent a legal entity must be named.


(c) Registered users receive a password. Every user is obliged to keep the password secret.


The participant can terminate the participation contract at any time. The participant’s access and password will then be deactivated after the end of the auction. An “hybrid auction” that has not yet been completed at this point in time and in which the cancelling participant has submitted a bid will nevertheless be closed in accordance with the contract.


The organiser is entitled to terminate the participation contract for good reason without notice. This applies in particular if the participant refuses to fulfil the contract concluded by way of the auction without reason or never had the intention of fulfilling it.


The organiser is entitled to exclude the participant from further events.


1.2 Procedure of the hybrid auction


(a) The respective hybrid auction begins with an offer placed on the internet platform and on-site respectively by the organiser. This is a declaration of intent by the exhibitor aimed at concluding a sales contract. The bidding time is also specified in the offer by stating “auction end”.

This offer cannot be accepted with a simple "yes", but it is a matter of a previously declared acceptance of the highest bid. The exhibitor will only accept the highest bid that is effectively submitted by a bidder within the specified bidding time in accordance with the conditions of these GTC.


(b) Bids can be submitted via the screen installed on the internet platform for registered bidders and on-site by distinctly raising one’s hand or the bidding card provided in the auction catalogue respectively or via telephone. Bids submitted in any other way will not be considered, even if they are received by the organiser during the bidding period. Bids for which the bidder has not declared that they agree with the validity of these GTC for the specific auction and that they have taken note of the cancellation policy will also not be accepted. Bids submitted by the end of the auction, which are submitted for the registered user under "Bid" in accordance with these GTC, only take part in the auction if they have been received by the organiser by the end of the bidding. The transmission takes place at the risk of the bidder.


(c) Each bid by each bidder is subject to the condition subsequent that a higher bid is submitted. The respective bidder is bound to the bid he has submitted until the end of the bidding time. Bids that are below the minimum bid do not take part in the auction, even if the organiser does not receive a higher bid by the end of the auction. The purchase contract for the auctioned horse is concluded without separate award through the effective submission of the highest bid by the registered bidder (at the end of the bidding period).


(d) An effective bid must correspond to the minimum bid and be at least one bid increment higher than the previous bidder's bid.


(e) The contract for the purchase of the horse between the exhibitor or the seller of the horse respectively and the highest bidder comes into effect at the end of the auction time (also referred to as "hammer price"). The organiser is not responsible for technical delays – even if the transmission paths are overloaded.


(f) If the highest bid at the end of the auction turns out to be invalid, the next lower bid does not win the auction either. In this case, the organiser can resume the "auction" and determine a new end of the auction. In this case, the highest valid bid submitted up to that point is to be set as the starting price.



1.3 Bidding Stages


1. The horses are offered in Euros. Only bids of at least €100.00 will be accepted. The highest bidder is awarded the contract and is bound by their bid.


2. The hammer prices are net prices. Stabling fees, 3% auction fee and the VAT (value added tax)/turnover tax specified for the respective horse are to be paid by the buyer.


The invoice amount/purchase price is calculated as follows:


hammer price


+ stabling fee €26.00


+ VAT/turnover tax as indicated (0%, 9.0% or 19%)


+ 3% auction fee (on the hammer price net plus 19% VAT/turnover tax)


= purchase price


+ 1.1% insurance premium (on the hammer price, if applicable inclusive of VAT/turnover tax plus 19% insurance tax)


= total purchase price/ invoice amount


The offer when the bid is accepted (hammer price) is considered the net price.



3. Incoming bids are prioritized strictly according to when they were received. If there are two or more identical highest bids at the end of the bidding, the bid that is submitted at first wins the auction. All times are based on the system time of the server.


4. Notification of the conclusion of the contract: The bidder who has submitted the highest effective bid at the end of the auction will be notified of this


  • in case of an online submission by e-mail or in some other way on a non-transient data carrier in text form




  • upon submission of bid in physical presence by a certificate to be countersigned personally on site.


The receipt of the notification is confirmation of the purchase contract that has already been concluded and is not an additional requirement for its conclusion. Bidders who have not submitted the winning bid will not receive a notification. The highest bid will only be announced anonymously on the platform immediately after the end of the bidding time.


5. The organiser is entitled, at its discretion, to block registered bidders for individual auctions of individual horses or for a certain period of time or in general and thus to exclude them from the right to participate in auctions for a limited or unlimited period of time. This is only permissible if there is an important reason that makes it unreasonable to expect the organiser to continue a legal relationship with the blocked participant.


6. The organizer can cancel an auction at any time before the end of the bidding period if they decide to do so at their reasonable discretion on the basis of a factual reason. In the event of system failures due to technical circumstances, the organiser is also entitled to stop the auction. In this respect, the revocation of the respective offer made on the Internet for the individual horses is explicitly reserved. The decision to break off the auction will be communicated on the Internet platform, with a brief statement of the reason. The bids already submitted expire with the notification without replacement. This reservation to revoke the offer to sell to the highest bidder expires at the end of the auction in the event of an auction carried out in accordance with the announcement and ended at the end of the bidding period, without the need for a separate declaration from the organiser. Claims for damages by bidders in the event of technical problems with the processing of the internet auction, in particular in the event of system failures, non-access to bids or their rejection for technical reasons, are excluded.



2. Information about the auction item


a) External characteristics


The horses offered for auction on the organiser's platform are offered with the following information:


Gender, age, colour, competition successes, pedigree.


This information only represents a description of the auction item and is not the subject of an agreement on the legal and factual nature regarding a future purchase contract. The pictorial representation of the horse as well as a comment or other verbal explanations about the assignment of the animal with regard to its talent as a riding, sport and breeding horse, the description of the external appearance and performance as well as information on the pedigree also do not represent an agreement on the legal and factual nature but are declarations of knowledge and are based on subjective impressions of the seller, organiser or persons commissioned by him/her.


A condition regarding special sporting or breeding abilities and performance of the horse is not associated with this, neither now nor in the future.


b) State of health


(1) The horses placed in the hybrid auction have been clinically and radiologically examined in advance of the hybrid auction.


(2) A veterinary examination report has been drawn up for the clinical examinations that have been carried out, which registered customers can view via a link on the horse entered in the auction. The bidders can have the veterinary purchase examination report assessed by a veterinarian of their choice at their own expense. The respective bidder is strongly advised to make use of this option. By participating in the bidding process, the bidder confirms that they have taken note of the information about the option of reviewing the prepared examination documents.


In addition, the bidder is aware that a viewing of the horse before participating in the bidding process and concluding the purchase contract was possible after prior appointment with the seller and/or organiser.


(3) The veterinary examination report available for inspection is not part of this contract as an agreement on the health of the horse, because neither the organiser nor the seller can make binding statements about the horse's state of health. The veterinarian's assessments and statements have no legal effect on the parties.



3. Intended Use / Guarantee


Neither the seller nor the organiser explicitly assumes any guarantee. This applies in particular to certain characteristics of the horse or purposes.


The parties agree that the further development and further abilities of the horse are not foreseeable. Any verbal statements by the seller or the organiser about the assignment of the horse as a riding, driving, sport and breeding horse and regarding its predominant long-term suitability do not represent any characteristics or guarantee promises, but are based on subjective impressions of the seller/organiser or the persons assigned to him/her. A condition or guarantee with regard to special sporting or breeding abilities and performance of the horse is not associated with this, neither now nor in the future.



4. Prices and terms of payment


(a) All stated prices and bids are exclusive of applicable sales tax. Depending on the assessment of the exhibitor (seller), the sales tax is


0% (private sale), 9.0% (flat rate for farmers) or 19% (commercial, etc.). The corresponding VAT/turnover tax rate is shown on the auction page in the offer for the respective horse/pony after the name of the exhibitor. The value added tax/turnover tax is stated by notification of the exhibitor. The organiser assumes no liability for this information.



(b) The hammer prices are net prices. The buyer must pay Stabling fees, 3% auction fee and the VAT/turnover tax specified for the respective horse are to be paid by the buyer. In addition, the insurance premium is added to the purchase price.


The invoice amount/purchase price is calculated as follows:


hammer price


+ stabling fee €26.00


+ VAT/turnover tax as indicated (0%, 9.0% or 19%)


+ 3% auction fee (on the hammer price net plus 19% VAT/turnover tax)


= purchase price


+ 1.1% insurance premium (on the hammer price, if applicable inclusive of VAT/turnover tax plus 19% insurance tax)


= total purchase price/ invoice amount


The offer when the bid is accepted (hammer price) is considered the net price.


With the confirmation of the conclusion of the purchase contract, the bidder receives the invoices stating the price and the sales tax. The deduction of cash discount is not permitted.

(c) The purchase price is due immediately and without deduction. The statutory rules regarding the consequences of default in payment apply. The auctioned horse will only be handed over to the buyer or to the carrier after full payment of the purchase price and the fees. In principle, the invoice amounts are to be paid immediately in cash, by bank transfer or bank-certified cheque to the account specified in the invoice.


(d) The buyer is only entitled to set-off rights if their counterclaims have been legally established, are undisputed or have been recognised by the organiser. The purchaser is only authorized to exercise a right of retention insofar as their counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship.


(e) The exhibitor retains ownership of the respective horse in accordance with § 449 BGB until the invoice amount has been paid in full to the organiser. In the case of payment by cheque or bank transfer, the transfer of ownership takes place at the time the settlement amount is unconditionally credited to the organiser's account.


(f) In the event that several people on the buyer's side have bought a horse, they are jointly severally liable to the exhibitor for claims arising from the auction purchase (purchase price, acceptance, etc.). Furthermore, the buyers are entitled to their own claims from the auction business as joint creditors, so that the seller/exhibitor is entitled to make payments to any of the buyers.


(g) The VAT/turnover tax charged to buyers based abroad cannot be reimbursed by flat-rate farmers (9.0%), as this does not have to be paid to the tax authorities by the exhibitor. The VAT/turnover tax exemption for the auction fee can take place after submission of the necessary documents. If the exhibitor is commercial or an opting farmer (19%), the VAT/turnover tax exemption does not change. Furthermore, export information and transport decisions are to be made by the buyer promptly after purchase.



5. Collection of the horse / Place of fulfilment / Transfer of risk / Liabilities


(a) The buyer or their representatives are obliged to take over the horse immediately after the conclusion of the purchase contract. The buyer must collect the horse from the seller no later than within two weeks from the end of auction.


The buyer bears the costs associated with the care of the horse up to the end of the two-week period, after the conclusion of the purchase contract, including farrier and veterinary costs.


A later handover of the horse can be agreed between the exhibitor and buyer, whereby the time of handover or receipt of the horse is determined by the conclusion of the relevant agreement. From this point in time, the buyer must also bear all costs associated with the care of the horse, which, unless otherwise agreed, are set at €34.00 plus the applicable respective statutory VAT/turnover tax per day plus any farrier/veterinary costs incurred.


(b) After the unsuccessful expiration of the two-week period after the conclusion of the purchase contract, the buyer is in default with his obligation to collect the horse without the need for a reminder from the seller / organiser. At the same time, the point in time at which the horse is handed over or received is set at the end of the two-week period after the conclusion of the purchase contract. In addition, from this point on, the buyer has to pay daily costs of €34.00 plus the applicable respective statutory VAT/turnover tax plus any farrier/veterinary costs depending on the horse’s location to the seller or organiser until the horse is actually collected. The same applies if the horse cannot be handed over because the buyer has not fulfilled his obligation to pay in full.


(c) With the conclusion of the purchase contract, the risk of accidental loss and / or deterioration passes to the buyer, even if the horse initially remains in the custody of the seller or the organiser.


The horse is handed over with headcollar and lead rope.


(d) The seller or the organiser is only liable for any kind of damage to the stabled horse in the event of intent or gross negligence. This does not apply if the seller is liable for personal injury resulting from injury to life, limb, or health, which is based on their at least negligent breach of duty or intentional or negligent breach of duty by the legal representative or vicarious agent of the seller. The exclusion of liability for other damages based on at least a grossly negligent breach of duty by the seller, their legal representative or vicarious agent does not apply either.



6. Title Retention


Ownership of the horses is only transferred to the buyer after full payment of the purchase price plus sales fee and VAT/turnover tax as well as all ancillary costs. The transfer of ownership is reserved until all due claims from the business relationship have been paid. Before the transfer of ownership, pledging, transfer of ownership, processing or transformation is not permitted without the consent of the organiser or seller.



7. Liabilities


(a) Seller's Liability


1. If the seller is a consumer (§ 13 BGB) or both parties are entrepreneurs (§ 14 BGB), any warranty rights and any liability for material defects are excluded.


2. The exclusion of liability agreed in Section 1 above does not apply if the seller is liable for personal injury resulting from injury to life, limb or health, which is based on their at least negligent breach of duty or intentional or negligent breach of duty by the legal representative or vicarious agent of the seller. The exclusion of liability for other damages based on at least a grossly negligent breach of duty by the seller, his legal representative or vicarious agent does not apply either.


3. In the event of a defect, the exhibitor is entitled to supplementary performance. The buyer has the right to choose between rectification and subsequent delivery. If the rectification is unreasonable or impossible, the seller is entitled to subsequent delivery. If the buyer effectively declares his withdrawal from the purchase contract, the seller owes the repayment of the purchase price versus the surrender and retransfer of the horse. In addition, they owe the reimbursement of necessary dispositions in the form of necessary feeding and stabling costs, necessary farrier costs and necessary veterinary care. Costs of renting a livery place are necessary up to the amount of €7.00 per day. The seller reimburses the costs of return transport within Germany. In this respect, transport costs of €0.40 per kilometre driven are reimbursable. If the buyer takes his horse abroad, they pay the cost of transporting it back to the German border.


In principle, the seller is not liable for damage, in particular in the form of expenses for riding the horse, procurement of replacements or other financial losses. The liability of the seller for personal injury resulting from injury to life, limb or health, which is based on at least a negligent breach of duty by the seller or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by their legal representative or vicarious agent, is excluded from this exclusion. Liability for other damages based on a grossly negligent breach of duty by the seller or on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by their legal representative or vicarious agent is also excluded.


The exhibitor's right to return benefits and/or compensation for benefits, consumption, sale, encumbrance, processing, transformation, deterioration or loss of the horse remain unaffected by the above provisions.


(b) Organiser’s Liability


1. Any liability of the State of Baden-Württemberg, represented by Marbach State Stud (Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach), from the mediated purchase contract is excluded.


2. The above exclusion of liability does not apply if the organiser is liable for personal injury due to injury to life, limb or health, which is based on an at least negligent breach of duty by the organiser or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by their legal representative or vicarious agent. The exclusion of liability for other damages based on at least a grossly negligent breach of duty by the organiser, their legal representative or vicarious agent does not apply either.



8. Notification of Complaints or Material Defects respectively


The buyer must notify/explain defects or other complaints as well as a possible revocation according to clause 13 to the organiser in written form. The contracting parties undertake to inform the organiser accordingly in written form.



9. Statute of Limitations


(a) In the case of a sale by an entrepreneur to a consumer, any claims for liability for material defects by the buyer against the seller fall under the statute of limitations within one year of the horse being handed over. For all other sellers (sale of an entrepreneur to another entrepreneur; a consumer to an entrepreneur; a consumer to a consumer), any claims fall under the statute of limitations within three months of the transfer of risk.


All claims for personal injury based on at least a negligent breach of duty by the seller, their legal representative or vicarious agent are excluded from the easing of the statute of limitations. Likewise excluded from the easing of the statute of limitations are claims for other damages that are based on at least a grossly negligent breach of duty by the seller, his legal representative or vicarious agent.


(b) Any claims for damages against the organiser expire within three months after the conclusion of the mediated purchase contract. All claims for personal injury based on at least a negligent breach of duty by the organizer, their legal representative or vicarious agent are excluded from the relief of the statute of limitations. Likewise, the exemption from the statute of limitations does not apply to claims for other damages that are based on at least a grossly negligent breach of duty by the organiser, their legal representative or vicarious agent.


(c) If the seller and buyer are entrepreneurs in the legal sense, the buyer's claims for defects presuppose that he/she has properly fulfilled their obligations to examine and give notice of defects according to § 377 HGB (German Commercial Code).



10. Loss of Rights


The buyer loses the rights to which they are entitled due to a defect if he/she does not notify the exhibitor/previous owner as the responsible seller of the defect in written form or send the notification to them no later than eight weeks from the time the purchase contract is concluded. A loss of rights does not occur if the seller has fraudulently concealed the defect.



11. German Law - Place of Jurisdiction - Data Protection


The non-uniform German law applies to all rights and obligations arising from and in connection with the contractual relationship, namely the law of the BGB/HGB. The validity of the UN Sales Convention (CISG: United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods dated April 11, 1980) is excluded.



The necessary data of the participants in the auction are collected and stored for the transaction. The legal provisions are observed when processing personal data. Further details are available in the data protection declaration that can be found in our hybrid offer. Upon request, the participant will receive information about the data stored about his/her person at any time.



12. Final Provisions


(a) These General Terms and Conditions are available in German and English versions. In the event of contradictions in the presence of multilingual versions, the German version applies alone; in the case of interpretations, the German version shall primarily be used and be authoritative, also for the interpretation of the foreign-language version.


(b) The organiser reserves the right to change or supplement these hybrid auction conditions for the future. Admitted bidders will be informed separately by e-mail of any changes or additions to these conditions during ongoing auctions. The changed or supplemented conditions only apply if the bidder submits a bid again after receiving the notice.


(c) The EU Commission has provided a platform for hybrid dispute resolution (so-called "OS platform"). The OS platform is intended to be used for out-of-court dispute resolution in the context of disputes arising from hybrid contracts. The OS platform can be reached via the following link:


In accordance with § 36 VSBG, the organiser declares that they are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board,

(d) Should individual provisions of these GTC be or become invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the remainder of the contract shall remain unaffected. The statutory provisions shall take the place of the ineffective or unenforceable provision. The same applies accordingly in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.



13. Right of Withdrawal




You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier took possession of the goods or, in the case of partial deliveries, the last delivery.


In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform the exhibitor specified in the purchase contract, who must be an entrepreneur, of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of a clear statement (e.g., a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You can use the attached sample revocation form for this. However, this is not mandatory.

To meet the right of withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the communication regarding your exercise of the right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.


Consequences of revocation


If you revoke this contract, the respective exhibitor must reimburse you for all payments that they have received from you immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which they received notification of your revocation of this contract. For this repayment, they use the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless something else was explicitly agreed with you. Under no circumstances will you be charged any fees for this repayment. The exhibitor can refuse the repayment until they have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have sent back the goods, whichever is earlier.


You must send back the goods or hand them over to the exhibitor immediately and in any case no later than fourteen days from the day on which you inform the exhibitor about the revocation of this contract.


The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of fourteen days has expired. The exhibitor bears the cost of returning the goods.


You only have to pay for any loss in value of the goods if this loss in value is due to the handling of the goods that is not necessary to establish the nature, properties and functioning of the goods.


Sample withdrawal form


(If you want to revoke the contract, please fill out this form and send it back to the respective exhibitor)

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/

— Bought on (*)/received on (*)

— Name of consumer(s)

— address of the consumer(s)

— Date

(*) Delete where not applicable.


End of information on the right of withdrawal


Bidding procedures at the hybrid auction

The auction of Marbach State Stud (Marbacher Gestütsauktion) takes place on April 27th at 5pm in the stud’s main riding arena. There are three options of bidding for your desired horse: You can bid live on-site, purchase your dream horse at auction via telephone, or bid online via internet on while the auction is taking place.

Bidding by telephone

If you are unable to attend on site, why not bid for your horse on the phone:

mobile: 0049 170 220 4752

Please contact our auction office in good time before the auction. You will receive a form with the written bidding order in advance, which you can fill out and send back to us by e-mail. We will contact you when your dream horse enters the auction ring. You can then have your desired bid placed by telephone. Should you be awarded the bid, the transaction will be processed further via our auction office.

Please contact the auction office in advance:

phone: 0049 7385 9695 000


Online bidding

If you are not present on site, you are welcome to bid online for the horse of your choice from the comfort of your own home or while you are out and about.

Pre-registration as a buyer is required. Please ensure you have a good and stable internet connection during the auction.

How to register for online bidding:

  1. Enter your details on 
    Previous registrations for preceding auctions at the stud remain valid. Just log in with you personal password. 
  2. After successful registration (you will receive e-mail confirmation, please also check your spam folder) please log in on on the day of the auction.
  3. When the auction begins, you can follow a live-stream in real time and place online bids.

Note on the order of the auction:
For organisational reasons, the order in which the horses are presented may differ from the catalogue order. The order of the auction will be announced before the auction begins.



“Congratulations! You have bought a horse.” What are the next steps?
After the bid has been awarded:

  • Please fill out your bidding slip (penultimate page in the catalogue) completely and legibly and hand it over to the team at Marbach State Stud.
  • Please come to the stud administration as soon as possible, where a member of the auction office will discuss the next steps with you and where you will sign the purchase contract.

The sooner you visit the auction office, the quicker the transaction can take place - there may be longer waiting times at the end of the auction.


Payment on the day of the auction

  • If you pay cash on the day of the auction, we will give you the ownership certificate immediately and you can take your horse with you straight away.
  • In case of cashless payment by bank transfer or bank-certified cheque, you can take the horse with you on the day of the auction if you are resident in Germany. However, we will only send you the horse’s ownership certificate after the purchase price has been credited in full.


In case of telephone or online bidding

  • You will receive a confirmation of the purchase contract by email from Marbach State Stud (Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach) by Monday, April 29, 2024, at the latest, with the request for confirmation with your signature and to return it to us by email.
  • After receipt of the money or confirmation of the money transfer respectively at Marbach State Stud, we will send you a collection note for your horse by e-mail.


Residence abroad

  • If you are not resident in Germany, we can only hand over the horse and the ownership certificate after the purchase price has been credited in full. If you are resident or have your registered office in a non-EU country, you do not pay value-added tax if you export your horse within three months. However, the value-added tax must first be paid and will be refunded within the specified period upon submission of an original export declaration. Export must be arranged by you, but we are happy to help. Simply call us on 0049 73 85 96 95 000 if you require assistance.



Collection of the horse

  • After making an appointment for collection by telephone with the auction manager Rolf Eberhardt (mobile/cell: +49 1 70 2 20 47 52) please present the collection certificate on the day you collect the horse - otherwise our staff at the stables will not be allowed to hand over the horse to you.
  • Please present the collection certificate, which you will receive upon signing the contract in the auction office, to the stable supervisor when you collect your horse. We will hand over your horse with a nylon head collar and lead rope. If you require assistance in loading your horse, our staff will be happy to help you.
  • If you collect your horse on the first working day (Monday, 29 April 2024) after the auction, you will not incur any further costs.
  • If you collect your horse later, you will be charged a stabling fee which must be paid on the day of collection at the latest.


Horse Transport 

Transport must be organised by the buyer. Here are some recognised equine transport companies you may wish to engage: 


Johannsmann Transport-Service GmbH, Hagenort 6, 33803 Steinhagen

Phone: +49 52 04 89 01 11, E-Mail:


Guido Klatte GmbH & Co. KG, Unnerweg 76, 49688 Lastrup

Phone: +49 44 72 94 00 70, E-Mail:


Pferdespedition Thomas Löw, Oberkleenerstr. 19, 35647 Waldsolms

Phone: +49 172 26 27 801, E-Mail:


Insurance Cover


Each horse at the riding horse auction at Marbach has been thoroughly examined by a veterinarian.


With the acceptance of the bid, the auctioned horse shall be insured in the amount of the hammer price plus VAT up to a maximum amount of Euro 30,000.00 with the insurance company Vereinigte Tierversicherung Gesellschaft, a.G. (VTV)., Sonnenberger Strasse 2, 65193 Wiesbaden, phone: 0049 611 533 6969.


For 1.1 percent of the hammer price plus VAT the insurance cover extends to a period of six weeks after purchase with the following benefits:


  • Death or emergency euthanasia due to illness or accident (pursuant to section 2, A 1 a, b and g AVB TLP 01/2008 of the VTV) or
  • Permanent uselessness for riding and driving due to illness or accident, including accidental damage from ataxia and tendon injuries (pursuant to section 2, E AVB TLP 01/2008 of the VTV)


The reimbursement of any potential veterinary costs is not covered by the insurance. 


The inception of insurance cover is the acceptance of the bid and the sale to the buyer at the auction.


The indemnification amounts to 80 percent of the sum insured according to the insurance terms and conditions (AVB TLP 01/2008 of the VTV). The authorised recipient shall be the respective owner of the horse.


The insurance is taken out immediately with the above-mentioned company. The settlements shall be billed together with the auction settlements of Marbach State Stud (Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach). Any follow-up insurance may be applied for with R+V Generalagentur Rupert Hermann, Fischbacher Straße 11, 79859 Schluchsee, Germany, phone: 0049 76 56 9 88 99 00 or at own expenses within a period of six weeks from the auction. Upon completion of a “Pferdelebendtierversicherung” (equine-livestock insurance) with VTV within six weeks, no further veterinary examination will be required.


Sportlich aufgemachter Youngster: Uzo ist ein eleganter Wallach, der mit Charme und guten Manieren für sich einnimmt. Seine auffallend qualitätvollen Bewegungen und sein schönes Seitenbild sind vom Vater Uno I geprägt, der seinen Nachkommen als Springvererber auch Typ, Grundgangarten, Interieur- und Rittigkeitswerte mitgibt. Uzo hat bereits Geschwister, die altersgemäß in Springpferdeprüfungen Klasse M erfolgreich sind. Der vom erfolgreichen Züchter gepflegte Stutenstamm kann auf zahlreiche S-Springpferde verweisen.

10 Vibo Valentia
v. Vermeer / JHP Cavallieri xx
12 Vitalino
v. Vitalis / Sir Donnerhall
11 Vila
v. Vermeer / PrH Damon
14 Zauberei
v. PrH Zauberreigen/T. / Icare d’Olympe AA
7 Una Folia
v. PrH Uno I / Casiro I
5 Nael
v. Nathan de la Tour AA / Catoo
13 Viva Suevia
v. Viva Gold / HPH Dr. Jackson
2 Dreiklang vom Wilhelmshof
v. DSP-PrH Durello / DSP-EH/PrH Quaterback
1 Balios
v. Bourbon / Icare d’Olympe AA
6 Rare Diamond
v. Raven / JHP Diamond Star
3 Finist
v. Fusionist / Beaulieu
9 Vermont
v. Vermeer / Icare d'Olympe AA
8 Uzo
v. PrH Uno I / Escudo I